Showing posts with label #bankscam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #bankscam. Show all posts

Monday, 26 August 2024

Human trafficking victims tortured into scamming innocent people | 60 Minutes Australia


It’s positive news, kind of. In the last year, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, ASIC, has identified and shut down more than 7,300 phishing and investment scam websites. While it has stopped victims here losing millions, the scammers are still winning, raking in billions. They’re also coming up with more and more technically sophisticated ways to rip off their prey. As Adam Hegarty reports, much of this criminality is now headquartered in the failed state of Myanmar. There, trans-national crime bosses have resorted to human trafficking to amass a 120,000-strong workforce of scammers, who all day long are forced to con westerners out of their money.

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

How Americans Are Losing Their Life Savings To Crypto Fraud


“Pig butchering” scams got its name from the idea that scammers “fatten up” victims by building trust, and the strategy has amassed billions in stolen funds—particularly in the form of cryptocurrencies. Losses from investment scams soared 38% to a new record high in 2023, according to the FBI’s Internet Crime Report. Of the $4.57 billion in funds reported stolen, $3.96 billion involved fraudulent crypto investments. So, why are these scams so successful and what is law enforcement doing about it?

Friday, 9 August 2024

‘Pig butchering’ scammers target BBC reporter - BBC World Service


The BBC’s Cyber correspondent Joe Tidy suspected it was a scam but wasn’t sure what kind. In the end, "Jessica’" turned out to be a "pig butchering" scammer. These fraudsters refer to their victims as pigs, whom they fatten up to be "butchered" or conned, out of as much money as possible. Knowing the profile for "Jessica" was fake, the reporter played along for more than two months to find out what psychological tricks the pig butchers employ to lure victims around the world into investing into fake crypto schemes. Pig butchering scammers stole at least $3bn last year according to the FBI, with victims usually aged between 30 and 60.

Friday, 26 April 2024

Rebecca Holloway meets a man online- he SCAMS her out of $100,000! What is Pig Butchering???


Rebecca Holloway found herself robbed by her new lover, "Fred" of her entire 401k retirement! But shes not alone, there are others. How would anyone land themselves in such a loss of money?! The latest scam, "Pig Butchering" has made headway ever since the fall of Silicone Valley Bank. People are out to groom, target and rob vulnerable Americans through dating websites. We deep dive into what targeting, love bombing and robbing people out of millions of dollars looks like. Don't be a victim of this horrendous crime! Come learn with me what's happening and how to avoid! Pig butchering scams cryptocrypto scamcrypto scamscryptocurrencycryptocurrency scamonline dating scampig butchering crypto scampig butchering scampig butchering scheme cryptoromance scamromance scams

Friday, 19 April 2024

Pig Butchering Scams: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


John Oliver discusses a popular internet scam, why it’s easier to fall for it than you might think, and, of course, boner alerts. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens:    / lastweektonight   Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once:

I Fell for a Pig Butchering Scam


Sunday, 7 April 2024

I Fell For An Investment Scam: Here’s How They Got Me


Nana’ lost more than S$64,000 to a pig-butchering scam - a mash-up of romance and investment schemes run by Asia-based online scam syndicates. Their victims include a significant number of Mandarin speakers. (Are you the victim of a scam? Email us with your story: It started when she posted a TikTok video of her dog. A man who claimed to be a widower and business owner from China left a comment, and they started to converse over WhatsApp, He’d send her photos of his investments, and claimed he got insider information from his uncle who worked at a cryptocurrency exchange. She asked him how she could learn to invest. In retrospect, Nana said she trusted him because he seemed well-off and ran his own company. She refused to believe it was a scam even when her husband tried to convince her otherwise. The impact on her family was devastating. Here’s what she wants you to know.
娜娜是一名「杀猪盘」的受害者——一桩由亚洲诈骗集团发展出的线上诈骗案,结合了爱情与投资话术,向其受害者诈取金钱的手法之一。 整起诈骗案从娜娜的一则Tiktok影音贴文开始,一名自称是鳏夫、育有一子的诈骗份子,在娜娜的影片留言。两人交谈一周后,便交换WhatsApp号码开始聊天。 诈骗份子总在言谈间,假装不经意地分享他”正在研读美国经济走势”及“金融投资“相关等照片,并声称自己有一位在虚拟货币交易所工作多年的叔叔,会定期泄漏交易的内线消息给他。不久后,对投资非常感兴趣的娜娜,开始向他请教投资的秘诀。 娜娜相信,他贵为陶瓷公司的总裁,应该不至于会骗她这么一点小钱吧? 自始至终,娜娜深陷其中,即使她的老公和家人再三劝说,她也不愿意相信,自己高额投资的虚拟货币项目,竟然沦为一起诈骗案。 今天,娜娜希望透过分享自己的故事,帮助提高社会大众对诈骗手法的警觉性。

Saturday, 6 April 2024

I Lost the Majority of my Life Savings in an Online Dating Scam


To learn more about my romance scam story called the pig butchering scam and next steps I am taking, subscribe to my blog: Massage, Love & Health Resources to Report if this has happened to you: FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center: The Global Anti-Scam Org:

Friday, 5 April 2024

Scam victim issues warning after losing $750,000 of life savings | A Current Affair


NSW Police Cybercrime Squad Commander Matt Craft has issued some tips on how to spot a scam. It comes after Michelle Lowry thought she was investing in government and bank bonds when she lost $750,000 of her life savings.