Saturday 27 April 2024

Burnout - When does work start feeling pointless? | DW Documentary


Superfluous meetings, endless paperwork and incompetent managers - sound familiar? Jobs that entail a steady stream of seemingly pointless demands can damage our health in the long-term. This film takes a humorous look at how we waste potentially valuable time in the workplace. In an ideal scenario, work is fulfilling. But many people in office jobs find their daily work is making them miserable. Of course, it could be argued that the dissatisfaction of these employees is mainly a by-product of industrialization. They’re in secure, non-physically demanding professions that are often relatively well paid - unlike many people in this world living in vastly more dire circumstances. But is this unparalleled waste of human resources one of the biggest untold dramas of our time? "The Happy Worker" explores the reasons why highly paid managers are so fond of parroting hackneyed phrases, following abstruse management methods and poisoning the working atmosphere for the benefit of shareholders. According to a Gallup poll, just 13 per cent of the working population endeavor to perform well in their job. However, 64 per cent of employees don’t care about their work and aim to get through the day with minimum effort. 25 per cent of workers hate their jobs so much they even work against the company that employs them. Although the numbers vary from country to country, these trends can be observed all over the world. A sense that their work is pointless makes many people ill. The documentary hears from patients recovering from burnout. The accounts of their experiences are appraised by a number of experts including the Berkeley-based pioneer of research into burnout, the psychologist Christina Maslach. #documentary #dwdocumentary #burnout #work

Friday 26 April 2024

Rebecca Holloway meets a man online- he SCAMS her out of $100,000! What is Pig Butchering???


Rebecca Holloway found herself robbed by her new lover, "Fred" of her entire 401k retirement! But shes not alone, there are others. How would anyone land themselves in such a loss of money?! The latest scam, "Pig Butchering" has made headway ever since the fall of Silicone Valley Bank. People are out to groom, target and rob vulnerable Americans through dating websites. We deep dive into what targeting, love bombing and robbing people out of millions of dollars looks like. Don't be a victim of this horrendous crime! Come learn with me what's happening and how to avoid! Pig butchering scams cryptocrypto scamcrypto scamscryptocurrencycryptocurrency scamonline dating scampig butchering crypto scampig butchering scampig butchering scheme cryptoromance scamromance scams

New Financial Bomb in China: Banks Possibly Drained, Professional Debtors & Insiders Trigger Crisis


Friday 19 April 2024

Pig Butchering Scams: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


John Oliver discusses a popular internet scam, why it’s easier to fall for it than you might think, and, of course, boner alerts. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens:    / lastweektonight   Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once:

I Fell for a Pig Butchering Scam


Thursday 18 April 2024

Why you should think about financial independence and mini-retirements | Lacey Filipich | TEDxUWA


'Time poor' is the catch-cry of our era, and yet end-of-life retirement means we have an average of two decades of feeling time rich to look forward to… when we’re old. In this talk, Lacey shares how combining financial independence and mini-retirements is one way to bring that time rich feeling into our youth.  Lacey Filipich started her entrepreneurial journey with a hair wrap stall at 10 years old. Today, she is the co-founder and director of two successful businesses; Money School and Maker Kids Club. Between hair wraps and start-ups, Lacey graduated as valedictorian from the The University of Queensland with an Honours degree in Chemical Engineering. She moved to Australia’s ‘wild west’ to begin her career in mining, rising quickly through the ranks. A health scare and her sister’s suicide opened Lacey’s eyes to the world beyond work, leading her to redesign her life and take five mini-retirements in the next five years. This was achievable because of Lacey’s financial position: she started investing at 19 and now earns a passive income. Lacey considers herself time rich: able to choose if, when, where, how, on what and with whom she works. Her story is one of many in the Financially Independent Retiring Early (FIRE) movement supporting the idea that end-of-life retirement is optional. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Unlock True Wealth with Vicki Robin: Beyond Money and Time!


Vicki Robin, co-author of the groundbreaking book "Your Money or Your Life," shares transformative insights into achieving financial independence (FI). Discover how to redefine your relationship with money, viewing it not just as currency, but as a precious life energy you choose to exchange for your time. Vicki challenges the consumerist narrative, guiding viewers on how to invest in true freedom and sovereignty over their lives. Whether you're deep in the FI journey or just beginning to question the traditional path of spending and working, Vicki's teachings offer a profound shift towards a life of intention, freedom, and fulfillment. Want to learn more about the FIRE movement and how you can achieve financial independence? Watch the documentary Playing with FIRE today!

Playing with FIRE, the documentary (FREE Online ) :

Sunday 7 April 2024

India's Thriving Scam Industry: Before You Call Tech Support | Undercover Asia | CNA Documentary


We go deep into the vast world of India’s scam call centers, meeting those behind the deception and the new breed of international scambaiters who are trying to bring these scammers down. After seven years of running tech support scams, ‘Leo’ has leveled up. He is now an entrepreneur or a scam call center consultant who sets up scamming outfits for those with money to invest. From hiring to hardware, he has it down to a science, especially on how long it will take to generate returns for the investors. At the other end of the spectrum, we follow an Indian scambaiter ‘Sven’ as he investigates a local company that’s running a scam call center. The majority of their victims are English-speaking foreigners overseas. Through reverse tracking, he has managed to get into the company’s systems, securing access to their confidential files and real-time CCTV footage of scams taking place. Will ‘Sven’ be able to find enough evidence to submit to the police and conduct a crackdown?

I Fell For An Investment Scam: Here’s How They Got Me


Nana’ lost more than S$64,000 to a pig-butchering scam - a mash-up of romance and investment schemes run by Asia-based online scam syndicates. Their victims include a significant number of Mandarin speakers. (Are you the victim of a scam? Email us with your story: It started when she posted a TikTok video of her dog. A man who claimed to be a widower and business owner from China left a comment, and they started to converse over WhatsApp, He’d send her photos of his investments, and claimed he got insider information from his uncle who worked at a cryptocurrency exchange. She asked him how she could learn to invest. In retrospect, Nana said she trusted him because he seemed well-off and ran his own company. She refused to believe it was a scam even when her husband tried to convince her otherwise. The impact on her family was devastating. Here’s what she wants you to know.
娜娜是一名「杀猪盘」的受害者——一桩由亚洲诈骗集团发展出的线上诈骗案,结合了爱情与投资话术,向其受害者诈取金钱的手法之一。 整起诈骗案从娜娜的一则Tiktok影音贴文开始,一名自称是鳏夫、育有一子的诈骗份子,在娜娜的影片留言。两人交谈一周后,便交换WhatsApp号码开始聊天。 诈骗份子总在言谈间,假装不经意地分享他”正在研读美国经济走势”及“金融投资“相关等照片,并声称自己有一位在虚拟货币交易所工作多年的叔叔,会定期泄漏交易的内线消息给他。不久后,对投资非常感兴趣的娜娜,开始向他请教投资的秘诀。 娜娜相信,他贵为陶瓷公司的总裁,应该不至于会骗她这么一点小钱吧? 自始至终,娜娜深陷其中,即使她的老公和家人再三劝说,她也不愿意相信,自己高额投资的虚拟货币项目,竟然沦为一起诈骗案。 今天,娜娜希望透过分享自己的故事,帮助提高社会大众对诈骗手法的警觉性。

Saturday 6 April 2024

I Lost the Majority of my Life Savings in an Online Dating Scam


To learn more about my romance scam story called the pig butchering scam and next steps I am taking, subscribe to my blog: Massage, Love & Health Resources to Report if this has happened to you: FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center: The Global Anti-Scam Org:

Friday 5 April 2024

Scam victim issues warning after losing $750,000 of life savings | A Current Affair


NSW Police Cybercrime Squad Commander Matt Craft has issued some tips on how to spot a scam. It comes after Michelle Lowry thought she was investing in government and bank bonds when she lost $750,000 of her life savings.

The 4 Most Dangerous Scams To Look Out for in 2024


Inside a Pig Butchering Scam



Wednesday 3 April 2024

Feed Your Heart: The Secrets to Staying Off the Operating Table | Dr. Philip Ovadia | TEDxJeffersonU

Feed Your Heart: The Secrets to Staying Off the Operating Table | Dr. Philip Ovadia 

NOTE FROM TED: While some viewers may find talk helpful as a complementary approach, please do not look to this talk for medical advice. This talk only represents the speaker's personal views and understanding of lifestyle and disease prevention. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here: Have you ever wondered why, despite medical advancements, heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States? With a staggering statistic revealing that 88% of Americans are not in optimal metabolic health, this talk by Dr. Philip Ovadia, a cardiac surgeon and the founder of Ovadia Heart Health shows a transformative journey triggered by the preventable crisis of a patient. Highlighting often ignored indicators like obesity and diabetes, he advocates for a fundamental shift—from treating to preventing heart disease. Drawing from personal experiences, including shedding 100 pounds, the talk challenges listeners to envision a world where proactive measures and seeking root-cause-focused healthcare keep individuals off the operating table. It's an invitation to rewrite the narrative and aspire to a future where heart disease is an avoidable exception rather than an unfortunate norm. After growing up on Long Island, Dr. Philip Ovadia completed an accelerated Pre-Med/Medical School program at The Pennsylvania State University and Jefferson Medical College (now The Sidney Kimmel College of Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University). He went on to complete a residency in General Surgery followed by a fellowship in Cardiothoracic Surgery. Dr. Ovadia has been a practicing heart surgeon since 2005. He has been married to his wife Shelly since 2010 and they have two daughters, Eva (12) and Layla (10). Starting in 2016, Philip started a journey to fix his health challenges, a lifelong battle with obesity and pre-diabetes. He successfully lost nearly 100 pounds and maintained that weight loss. Dr. Ovadia is now on a mission to help as many people as possible to avoid the need for heart surgery. He recently authored the book, “Stay Off My Operating Table.” Philip is excited to be returning to Jefferson to Redefine Possible and educate people to Feed Your Heart: The Secrets to Staying Off the Operating Table. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Saturday 30 March 2024

A Scammer Wants Me to Be His Distributor! (The affiliatedservicellcfarms -scam)

Here's a crazy scam that tricks you into thinking you're a supplier of a rare herb called Lactozora. If you've ever been approached by someone at Stiglo Pharmaceuticals, you might want to avoid their proposal!

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Live the Stream (1080p) FULL MOVIE - Adventure, Documentary, Fishing


Live The Stream is the inspiring life story of Pennsylvania’s fly fishing legend, Joe Humphreys: a man who was born to fly fish, lives to teach, and strives to pass on a respect for our local waters. A visually stunning film, anyone with a pulse can appreciate Joe’s contagious spirit and, at 86-years-young, trout streams are his fountains of youth. This is an emotion-packed adventure and Joe will catch your heart in this powerful tale of tenacity, life and love. #fullmovie #freemovie #GravitasFilms Directed by: Lucas Bell, Meigan Bell Starring: Dolores Humphreys, Dennis Shannon III, Johanna Humphreys, Joe Humphreys

Saturday 16 March 2024

Be Careful Who You Buy From on Amazon!


Did you recently see an Ooni Pizza Oven on sale for 90% off?? I want to show you what happened when I tried to buy it. And I'll show you what to watch out for on other sketchy deals! Always make sure you check out the 3rd party seller's reviews on Amazon before buying. Check out to spot bad sellers.

The Benefits of Trout Fishing for Your Mental Health | Idaho (70 Minute Documentary)


Mark Melnyk is in Yellowstone Teton Territory fishing the Snake River and its tributaries in Eastern Idaho. He is fishing with Keegan Berrett and Scott Ferrara as well as military veterans in the area. Project Healing Waters Idaho Falls has had a profound effect on these Veterans as witnessed first hand by all! In the USA learn more: In Canada go to:

Thursday 14 March 2024

Great News - Social Media Is Falling Apart...


Stressed - A Documentary Film


A new exploration into emotional stress and exciting science surrounding Neuro Emotional Technique (N.E.T.). The film delves into our history with stress, how we got to where we are today, and where we go from here. Featuring Dr. Daniel Monti (Director - Marcus Institute of Integrative Health) and leading neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Newberg (DMT: The Spirit Molecule), we get a fresh perspective on the effects of stress. Thanks to a new study from the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA, there is now compelling evidence that this breakthrough intervention can help people to alleviate their emotional stress, as well as deeper insight into this exciting topic.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

How to Regain Access to Your Site When Wordfence Locks You Out


Hack your own wordpress with wordfence.

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Friday 8 March 2024

How I Am Staying Healthy with Type 1 Diabetes | Mastering Diabetes


oin Lauren Plunkett on a transformative journey from a challenging Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis at 11 to a healthier, more vibrant life through the power of plant-based nutrition. Over 30 years, she has seen firsthand how dietary changes can dramatically improve diabetic health, energy levels, and even athletic performance. Discover how moving away from traditional 'diabetic diets' to a focus on greens and fiber-rich foods led to significant improvements in my A1C levels and overall wellbeing. This is more than just a personal story; it's a testament to the universal benefits of a plant-focused diet for anyone managing diabetes. Dive into my journey and see how you too can embrace a lifestyle that supports your health and happiness.