Wednesday, 11 July 2018

From $19,676.41 to Making OVER $100,000 (4 key mindset shifts)

From $19,676.41 to Making OVER $100,000 

(4 key mindset shifts)

How did I go from making $19,676.41 to making over 6 figures per year? What were the Four Key Mindset Shifts that I had to make to allow this to happen? So I was going through some old files and I came across my 2004 tax return. This was significant because this was the first tax return I filed after my first year of becoming a financial advisor. ⚡ What a flashback! Just remembering where I was in my life and career at that time. I didn’t come from money and I didn’t have any friends or family that was making over six figures, so i just didn’t associate with those types of people. And that type of mindset. I didn’t know if it was something that I could ever accomplish, I don’t even think this was on my radar as a possibility. 💭 When I became a financial advisor, that opened my world to new possibilities and new opportunities. So who was that guy back then, and what types of mindset changes did I have to make mentally to get me from making $19k+ to making six figures - and now over 7 figures today. 👦 So I was 20 years old, as green as could be. I had no experience other than retail jobs and my college degree. But as far as making money, and making over six figures per year...I had no experience with that. We lived in a house that my dad paid for with cash - $8,000. Both of my parents had filed bankruptcy. So how do you shift from that style of life to working towards a more successful future? I think it all started before my career took off. My first mindset change was that the sky is the limit. I had to put myself in a position to have some control over my income. 💵 So when I think back, what were the four key things that allowed me to push through to making over six figures? ➡️ 1. Sales position [4:04] - It doesn’t matter what type of career you are in, you are selling something (even if it is just yourself). ➡️ 2. Bet on Myself [7:03] - I had to believe that I was going to succeed, regardless of what anyone else believed. 😁 ➡️ 3. Remove limited beliefs [10:07] - You have to believe that where you are right now can have an impact, but not limit where you will be in the future. ➡️ 4. Never get comfortable [14:34] - No matter how big or how small the success, never get comfortable with where you are. You have to keep growing. 🌻 If you are trying to achieve that level of 6 figures or more, these are the things that you have to do. You can’t just get somewhere and just cruise or drift. You have to keep pushing yourself and challenging yourself. Just make sure to step back and celebrate your wins along the way. Otherwise, there is just too much pressure and you are not allowing yourself to enjoy your successes. 😁 I will address going from six to seven figures in another video, but a lot of these things will still apply. So work on these four key mindsets now. That will build your foundation to continued success.

Monday, 2 July 2018

How to Retire by 40: Lessons from the Financial Samurai

How to Retire by 40: 

Lessons from the Financial Samurai

Check out more at: How do you become rich? Sam Dogen, the founder of Financial Samurai, lost 50% of his income overnight. What would you do? Most people: 1) Would give up trying to become rich again 2) Become angry, blaming the world 3) Turn to alcohol, drugs, or other vices But Sam wanted to figure out WHY he lost his money — and how he could prevent it from ever happening again. He started doing researching, experimenting, and chronicling his journey on a blog called Financial Samurai. At first, Financial Samurai started as a side hustle. But a couple years after starting, it TOOK OFF. Today, the blog is Sam's full-time business. Plus, he's become MORE successful than ever before! In this video, learn Sam's advice for becoming rich. Use these tips to start making money today. Resources: My podcast with world-class experts: grow your email list and get more customers: discounted products to help you work better: exclusive marketing tips on my personal blog: behind-the-scenes pictures on Instagram: My favorite tips to grow your biz on Twitter: snapchat videos to make you laugh:

$17,000 Pipe Dream

$17,000 Pipe Dream

What’s going on ya’ll? I’m sitting at my son’s baseball practice and working on our core family values. As I’m doing this, since I’m a quick start and I get big ideas all the time, for some reason I started thinking about a client meeting I had 8-9 years ago. He was the son of a good client. He was about my age at the time, maybe 3 years older. All I knew about him was that he lived out of state, was married with kids, and made good money. My clients, his parents, were excited to refer him to me. He and his wife came in and I got to learn more about their situation. Both he and his wife worked for the same company and each of them were making around $250k a year. So combined they were making about a half a million dollars a year. 💰💰 That was pretty impressive considering he was in his mid thirties. I was excited about this. He was a high achiever with big ambitious goals. 👨‍💻 He wanted to retire at the age of 50. 🌴 Not that he wanted to call it quits, he just wanted enough money and investments saved up to be able to quit. I love meeting younger people that are driven, motivated, and their success comes from their own efforts. No silver spoons, no family connections, just hard honest work. Nothing makes me more excited than that. However, as I got to learn more about them, I discovered that although they were making a LOT of money, they had no idea how much they were saving. I started the process with how much they had in investments and savings.
They brought in tons of paperwork, savings accounts, life insurance policies, etc. I went through all of this paperwork, crunched the numbers, and discovered he had $17,000 in total assets. He was in his mid to late 30’s, he wanted to retire in 12-15 years, and ALL he had $17,000. 😮 At first, I was thinking….what am I missing. I had to ask him. Do you have another account that I’m not seeing? The answer was no. There were no other accounts, there was no hidden money. There was lots of debt. But no savings. Hardly any assets. In his thinking, he made lots of money so he should have plenty for retirement right? WRONG. They weren’t saving anything. They were spending everything. 💸 They traveled a lot, they had a big house, nice cars, boats, etc. I told him, it’s great that you have the big ambitions and you make really good money. But you are not saving enough money to retire at 50. You are not even saving enough to retire at 70! I shared my numbers with him and told him he basically needed to start saving about $6,000 a MONTH if he wanted to retire at 50. I think the important lesson to be learned here is that a lot of people have no concept of what it takes to retire. They have the misconception that they are saving enough. If you are not saving at least 20% or more of your income, you are not even close to what you need for retirement. Don’t be this guy! Just because you make a lot of money, that doesn’t mean JACK. You have to put money away. You can enjoy your money and spend it as you make it, but when you are ready to retire, you won’t have anything. 💸

So here is my question to you right now, if you are comfortable sharing, what percentage of your income per month are you saving? If you don’t know the percentage, what’s the dollar amount? $50 ---- $100?
Most people have no clue how much they are saving. If you don’t know what you are saving, you are not living for the future, you are just drifting. Don’t be the $17,000 guy. Be better than that! ▶ Check out my gear on Kit: ★☆★ Want More Good Financial Cents? ★☆★ 💻 Check out my blog here: Listen to my podcast here: 🎙 Pick up my best selling book, Soldier of Finance, here: 📗 Connect with me on Twitter: My most favorite inspiration T-shirt line, Compete Every Day:

How do The Minimalists spend their money?

How do The Minimalists spend their money?

Saturday, 30 June 2018

Who Profits From Immigration Enforcement? | CNBC

Who Profits From Immigration Enforcement? | CNBC

It's not just for-profit prisons cashing in on immigration enforcement – companies across the board are inking multimillion dollar contracts with the Department of Homeland Security. Here's a look at the private sector businesses making money from immigration enforcement. » Subscribe to CNBC: About CNBC: From 'Wall Street' to 'Main Street' to award winning original documentaries and Reality TV series, CNBC has you covered. Experience special sneak peeks of your favorite shows, exclusive video and more. Connect with CNBC News Online Get the latest news: Find CNBC News on Facebook: Follow CNBC News on Twitter: Follow CNBC News on Google+: Follow CNBC News on Instagram: Who Profits From Immigration Enforcement? | CNBC

We Went To Toys R Us On Its Second To Last Day | CNBC

We Went To Toys R Us On Its Second To Last Day | CNBC

Toys R Us is finally closing up shop at more than 800 stores across the United States on Friday. After years of financial struggles due to competition from e-commerce sites and retail rivals, Toys R Us filed for bankruptcy protection in late 2017. In March of 2018, Toys R Us began its liquidation sales across its stores. » Subscribe to CNBC: About CNBC: From 'Wall Street' to 'Main Street' to award winning original documentaries and Reality TV series, CNBC has you covered. Experience special sneak peeks of your favorite shows, exclusive video and more. Connect with CNBC News Online Get the latest news: Find CNBC News on Facebook: Follow CNBC News on Twitter: Follow CNBC News on Google+: Follow CNBC News on Instagram: We Went To Toys R Us On Its Second To Last Day | CNBC

Will A Trade War Kill the Stock Markets?

Will A Trade War Kill the Stock Markets?

What impact could a trade war have on the stock markets? We reveal in the video. To become a premium member, visit: For more on the major markets - our website:

7 Tips to Spending Money Wisely | Phil Town

7 Tips to Spending Money Wisely | Phil Town

For many people, financial struggles are due to not bringing in enough money. For many others, though, the problem comes from not wisely spending the money that they do make. In this video, we'll take a look at seven ways that you can start to better spend the money you earn in order to help you reach your financial goals.

Bloomberg Technology Full Show (6/28/2018)

Bloomberg Technology Full Show (6/28/2018)

Jun.28 -- The only daily news program focused exclusively on technology, innovation and the future of business from San Francisco.

Best of Bloomberg Technology' Full Show (06/22/2018)

Best of Bloomberg Technology' 

Full Show (06/22/2018)

un.22 -- Catch-up with the latest technology news from around the world with host Emily Chang from Bloomberg's San Francisco studio.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

A Minimalist Approach to Personal Finance

A Minimalist Approach to Personal Finance

Hear from me... There’s a basic formula to win at personal finance. And it’s this… Make more money than you spend. In practice it’s not that easy. In the real world our money slips through our fingers. No matter how much we make our bank account seems to have its own agenda. In this video I breakdown common myths, pressures & misconceptions about money and how to manage it. New videos every week! New podcast every Wednesday! Subscribe: Podcast: Instagram: Twitter:

Monday, 25 June 2018

Generation C: How a Generation of Consumers Can Impact the World

Generation C: How a Generation 

of Consumers Can Impact the World

Sarah Milner is a senior at Huron High School. She’s passionate about sociology and writing, and plans to study organizational studies in the hopes of becoming a consultant for future business leaders with the goal of helping them increase ethical business practices, diversity, and leadership skills within their companies. When she’s not reading or listening to music, she’s attending meetings for JSA, DECA, and her own club dedicated to the listening and sharing of music. This is her first year speaking at Ann Arbor’s TEDx event. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

How I learned To Day Trade In A Week

How I learned To Day Trade In A Week

Sunday, 24 June 2018

How to Become a Penny Stock Millionaire in 2018

How to Become a Penny Stock Millionaire in 2018 - How To Become a Penny Stock Millionaire Free Webinar Training - LIMITED TIME OFFER! - Learn Exactly How to Make Money With Penny Stocks Today! Start Trading Penny Stocks for Beginners - In this video, we teach you how you can learn how to trade penny stocks and invest in the stock market even if you don't have thousands of dollars! This video teaches how to grow your account and trade penny stocks at a beginner level! Learn more from this guru here

Man Quits $80K Job to Work in Grocery Store Part Time - Minimalism

Man Quits $80K Job to Work in 

Grocery Store Part Time - Minimalism

Yves quit his job even though he had it all: a big salary, health benefits and a pension plan. He sold his downtown condo, too. Why did he decide to drastically simplify his life? Because he was unhappy and unfulfilled. A couple of years ago, he went on a 10-day silent retreat and, after much soul-searching, realized that his job and his stressful lifestyle needed to go. Now, a year and a half later, he's living a minimalist lifestyle in a small bachelor apartment, riding his bike to work, and working 3 days a week at a grocery store. He has more time to spend with the people he loves, and a lot less stress. Does he regret his downshifting decision? Watch this video to find out!

Friday, 22 June 2018

This Guy Turned $20K Into $2 Million (You Can, Too)

This Guy Turned $20K Into $2 Million 

(You Can, Too)

Jan. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Self-Directed Investor Chris Camillo discusses the strategy behind his investments. He speaks on Bloomberg Television's "Street Smart." (Source: Bloomberg)

How To Invest In The Stock Market For Beginners In 2018

How To Invest In The Stock Market 

For Beginners In 2018 

How to invest in 2018 for COMPLETE BEGINNERS! Hello everybody and welcome to the video. Today we'll be going over how to start investing in 2018 starting from SCRATCH! If you're someone that's looking to learn how to invest, this should be a great beginner video for you! I first need to give the BIGGEST of thanks to Ryan Scribner. An absolute privilege to be featured on his channel... My appreciation truly cannot be expressed in words. This video will be broken down into 3 main sections: FIRST SECTION - BEFORE YOU INVEST - What to expect when investing - Getting your financial in order (We will touch on setting up an emergency fund and paying down any high-interest debt) - Choosing your broker - Choosing your investment account SECOND SECTION - PORTFOLIO BUILDING - Establishing your asset allocation - Choosing your investments - Pros and cons of Stocks v Index Funds THIRD SECTION - AFTER YOU INVEST - Rebalancing your portfolio - Monthly contributions (PAC) The video is on the lengthy side, so allocate some time where you can sit down and really focus on the content at hand. Investing is one of the most powerful wealth generating tools available to us as human beings. Every single person who is generating a source of income should be taking advantage of this opportunity and learn how to invest! Here are some of the links noted in the video: Questrade - Robinhood - TD Ameritrade -

What books do you recommend to get out of debt?

What books do you recommend to get out of debt?

Discussed in this video: Financial Freedom: Total Money Makeover: Smart Money Smart Kids: Retire Inspired: Love Your Life Not Theirs: 5 Mistakes:

The Secret To Retiring Early -- 35 Years Early

The Secret To Retiring Early -- 35 Years Early

Meet Pete, also known as "Mr. Money Mustache." He and his wife retired in their 30s and now he blogs about how they did it, how they manage their money, and how they live the life they want. Hint: They save, they spend less and they invest simply. Subscribe to the WSJ channel here: More from the Wall Street Journal: Visit

Graham Hill : Less Stuff, Space, and Energy. More Time, Money, and Freedom

Graham Hill : Less Stuff, Space, and Energy. More Time, Money, and Freedom

“Simpler lives are happier lives.” – Graham Hill What would happen if we let go of the material things society tells us we should value? Would we feel lighter and more fulfilled? Graham Hill thinks so. In this Speakeasy talk from Wanderlust Whistler, Graham Hill, entrepreneur and supporter of the minimalist lifestyle, shows how distilling our lives down to the essentials can lead to a more balanced and fruitful existence. As a young architect and designer, Hill found himself overwhelmed by the pressures of his success. To fill the void he bought stuff—a house, a car, the latest tech. But nothing brought him joy—except for helping people. Using his background in design and love for the environment, Hill founded, an eco-blog and vlog focused on spreading a green initiative. With this new Internet-based venture, Hill realized he didn’t need to limit himself to living in one location. So with just two suitcases and a laptop, he set out to see the world. “We could live out of two carry-on bags each, that’s all we really needed, it wasn’t complicated.” – Graham Hill Hill found happiness collecting experiences. Rather than living each day working toward a material reward, he rewired his brain to find reward in the now. Finding this philosophy too good not to share, Hill went on to launch LifeEdited, his newest venture that helps people organize their lives to be content with less stuff. He urges people to edit their lives ruthlessly, and to focus on what really matters.

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Life After Financial Freedom, with Brandon - the Mad FIentist | Afford Anything

Life After Financial Freedom, 

with Brandon - the Mad FIentist | Afford Anything

Over a year-and-a-half and two million plus downloads later, the Afford Anything podcast has hit another awesome milestone: the 100th episode! To celebrate, I recorded this one live from Ecuador with my good friend Brandon, otherwise known as the Mad FIentist. If you’ve been a listener since the early days, you may remember Brandon from episode #7. He was the first guest to appear on the podcast, and I’m thrilled to have him back on for round two! In this episode, we focus on life after financial freedom: - What projects has Brandon been working on? - What are the biggest lessons he’s learned from being FI so far? - How does he maintain motivation to get things done now that money isn’t an issue? - What does a typical day look like for Brandon? - How Brandon’s wife became a FIentist after some initial resistance. - Why full-time travel after FI didn’t work out for him and more! Enjoy, and thanks for listening! For show notes and resources, please go to:

How to Start from Nothing - Grant Cardone

How to Start from Nothing - Grant Cardone

How to Start from Nothing - Grant Cardone - The Rules Have Changed...PERSONAL STORY—Recently I was interviewing people for a show we are producing called WhateverItTakes CLAYTON IS 38 AND BROKE AND WITHOUT WORK YASMIN MOTHER OF 3 -- EVICTED AND NO MONEY 48 YEAR OLD JIM - $800 TO HIS NAME and his mother needs help 41-year-old Michael -- 4.55 to his name - WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU ARE BROKE.... 1) DO NOT GET ASSISTANCE 2) Get a job that has real INCOME possibilities a. Sales b. Multi-level marketing c. Massage d. Home Repair e. Nanny 3) ALL ATTENTION SHOULD BE ON MORE INCOME - SPEND 24 HOURS A DAY FOCUSED ON THIS ONE THING THIS IS NOT A FUN TIME THIS IS NOT A TIME FOR DAYS OFF THIS IS NOT A TIME TO BE DOING WHAT YOUR FRIENDS ARE DOING THIS IS A SERIOUS TIME -- EITHER YOU PAY ATTENTION NOW ARE YOU WILL SUFFER FOR A LIFETIME.

My $3.5 Million Stock Investment Portfolio 💰 

How I Generate $8000 Per Month Passive Income

In this video, I pull aside the curtain and show you my $3.5 million stock investment portfolio. I log into my brokerage accounts and show you the value of everything - what I own, what I buy, the dividends that I receive on a monthly basis, and my overall investment mindset. My intention in sharing this information isn't to impress you. Rather, I want to educate you. Two years ago, I shared my $1 million dollar stock investment portfolio, which received over 163,000 views on YouTube. I’ve had a lot of people ask me for an investment update. Since filming that video in June of 2016, I've been able to grow my stock investment portfolio to over $3.5 million Canadian dollars. Are you ready to learn how I generate $8,000 per month passive income from stocks alone?